Balaji Village Ruchulu Jantikalu 150gm Online
- Description
Balaji Village Ruchulu Jantikalu 150gm
Balaji Village Ruchulu Jantikalu 150gm
Balaji Village Ruchulu Jantikalu is an exclusive snack made from the finest ingredients, combining traditional Indian spices and herbs. Its unique blend of flavours will tantalise your taste buds. Enjoy the crunchy, savoury taste of these delicious snacks. Perfect for a quick snack or for pairing with your favourite drink.
Nutrition Information / Nährwerte (pro 100 g) Ca – 534kcal
- Energy / Energie 2226kj
- Protein / Eiweiß 17.1g
- Carbohydrate / Kohlenhydrate 53.6g
- – Sugar / Zucker 0 g
- Total Fat / Gesamt Fett 32.1g
- -Saturated Fat / Gesättigtes Fett 10.7g
- -Trans Fat / Transfett 0.20g
- Sodium / Natrium mg
- Salz 0.81g
Zutaten: Reismehl, Weizenmehl, Palmöl, Kichererbsenmehl, Lentil, Salz, Curryblätter, Fenchelsamen, schwarzes Salz, Pfeffer, Ananasblüte, Zimt, Nelken, Kardamom, indisches Lorbeerblatt, Anis, Muskatnuss, Javitri, Steinmehl, Marathi Moggu, Kreuzkümmel, grüne Chili, Asafoetida.