Ching’s Just Soak Veg Hakka Noodles 140gm Liefern
- Description
Ching’s Just Soak Veg Hakka Noodles 140gm
Instant Chings Just Soak Veg Hakka Noodles
- Quickest noodle ever!
Regular Hakka Noodles often become soggy and mushy when cooked at home. But with new Ching’s Just Soak Veg Hakka Noodles you get al-dente, non sticky noodles everytime. These high quality noodles are semi cooked need to be JUST SOAKED and drained.
Wt. 140gm
Nutrition Information / Nährwerte (pro 100 g) Ca
- Energy / Energie 371 kcal
- Protein / Eiweiß 11g
- Carbohydrate / Kohlenhydrate 80.5g
- – Sugar / Zucker 0g
- Total Fat / Gesamt Fett 0.5g
- -Saturated Fat / Gesättigtes Fett 0.1g
- -Trans Fat / Transfett
- Sodium / Natrium 553mg
- Salz –
Raffiniertes Weizenmehl (Maida 60%), Weizengluten, Salz, Backtriebmittel (E500(%), E5000). Säureregulator (E451(i)), Emulgator u Stabilisierungsmittel (E471), Säureregulator (E501(1)), Verdickungsmittel (E412).
Product of India / Produkt aus Indien.